Label: "labour market"

Aki rabszolgabéren tudja dolgoztatni csak az embereket, az hagyja abba, amit csinál
July 28, 2023 12:18

Employment and unemployment both up year-on-year in Hungary

The figures for the first half of this year are in

July 20, 2023 09:44

How much does a manual worker earn in Hungary now? The latest data is out!

Here are the new quarterly earnings figures

gyári munkás dolgozó worker fizetés
July 17, 2023 10:35

European Union running low on workers

Severe labour shortages continue

munkanélküliség, létszámleépítés, elbocsátás
July 17, 2023 09:25

Serious unemployment threatens some Hungarian counties again

Rates as high as 8 to 9%

automatizáció robot autóipar technológia
July 12, 2023 11:45

Crisis in living standards hits: many people would change jobs in Hungary

While there are fewer job vacancies

virág barnabás mnb bef
July 12, 2023 09:27

MNB Deputy Governor: inflation in Hungary could reach single digits within months

Barnabás Virág spoke about the prospects

July 11, 2023 11:19

There is one indicator that ranks Hungary among the EU top performers

The country performs well in having a work-based society

Félnek a magyar cégek a minimálbér emelésétől
July 08, 2023 17:00

Hungarian earnings are worth bupkis, dismal EU report shows

And the tax burden is also high for low-income earners.

munkanelkuli dolgozó worker
June 23, 2023 10:22

How can Hungary keep dodging unemployment?

Central bank economists delve into labour issues

idős dolgozó worker munkavállaló
June 23, 2023 08:30

No unemployment in Hungary despite crisis

Employment at high level

fizikai munka munkabér
June 12, 2023 09:00

Widening gap between rich and poor

Low-income countries in trouble

gyári munkás factory worker dolgozó gyár
May 26, 2023 09:14

Hungarian labour market is fine despite the recession

Mass layoffs averted

vendégmunkás külföldi munkás
May 24, 2023 08:55

Hungary regulates which professions are not open to foreign guest workers

The government is counting on many foreign workers, hence the new rules

automatizáció robot autóipar technológia
May 19, 2023 19:30

Is it really the influx of foreign labour that will save Hungarian jobs?

Labour shortages are the main problem, but some persistent questions linger

Rég örülhettünk ilyen hírnek: felminősítették Magyarországot!
May 18, 2023 10:45

Gender gap in employment remains wide, but there are improvements - OECD

The situation of Hungarian women is not that poor either on a global scale

nemek közötti bérkülönbség nők a munkaerőpiacon home office
May 02, 2023 10:40

Back to the 90s: a third of Hungarian employees need a second job to make ends meet

It is increasingly difficult for a lot of people to make a decent living in Hungary

May 02, 2023 10:31

Four-day working week delivers a torrent of important macro data

EU inflation report, US labour market data, FED and ECB interest rate meetings in the pipeline, and there's still more

Szinte már minden magyarnak van munkája, de egyre többnek külföldön
April 12, 2023 16:00

Is Hungary attempting the impossible with its plans to attract half a million new workers?

Portfolio asked experts about the Hungarian government's plans